The Church, and the Armenian Church

The Church, and the Armenian Church

All Christians share certain basic beliefs. We believe God exists. God has a Son. The Son took flesh, becoming man. He walked amongst us. He taught and performed phenomenal miracles. He fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies of the coming of the Messiah. He endured tremendous suffering. He humbly offered up His life as a redeeming sacrifice for our lives. He was crucified and rose again on the third day. He ascended into heaven. He sits at the right hand of our Heavenly Father. He is to come again with the glory of the Father to take His faithful unto himself to be with Him forever in paradise. We who confess these beliefs, and follow the teachings of Christ, are body and member of the 'one church.' By following Jesus we enter into a communion with the living God of all creation. This communion brings about a fullness within us, and amongst us, that is far beyond the physical joys of this world. As the church, we recognize that telling the...

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