Is the Armenian Church Against Homosexuality?

Is the Armenian Church Against Homosexuality?

He called them “Hatemongers”. On a recent National Public Radio interview the leader of a homosexual rights group was discussing his organization’s struggle to pass legislation in Hawaii for the legalization of same sex marriages. The supporter of homosexual rights called those who opposed the proposed changes “hatemongers”. The implication of not only this man but also of gay activist groups in general, is that those who oppose them are guilty of prejudice against gays. Their stance is that it is no different to oppose gay rights than it is to oppose the rights of women, African Americans, Orientals, Hispanics, or any minority group. Those homosexuals who state that they believe in God, say that God created them gay, just as others were created with their own particular diversities. While some homosexuals would not go so far as to call non gay-right supporters ‘hatemongers’, they would refer to their legislative opponents as ‘unenlightened’. The current clamor over homosexual rights encourages us to ask if society’s mainstream anti-homosexual views are simply a...

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List of Armenian Saints

List of Armenian Saints

AaronAbdlmseh The MartyrAbednegoAbeedonAbelAbgar The KingAbrahamAbraham The ConfessorAbraham the DeaconAbraham the PriestAbsalom The DeaconAbsolamAcaciusAcacrus The MartyrAcepsimas The PriestAcylineaAdamAdamAddaiAdoctusAdovmyank or Adovm the GeneralAdrianAdrianAeithalas The DeaconAgageeos the Martyr or WitnessAgapeAgapius Son Of EustatbeusAgeepseemos the BishopAgeuleeneh the Witness or MartyrAgheksantros HairabedAgheughasAieetalos Sargavak - the deaconAkabee, daughter of Sopeeayee - Sophia?Akabeeos vortee Yevstakehee - Son of YevstakehAlekseeanos Gamavos AghkadAlexanderAlexander Tfie PatriarchAlexianAlexis [Alexianus]All Saints Old And New Known And UnknownAnanias The ApostleAnaniusAnasdas KahanahAnastasius The PriestAnatoliaAnatolia Female MartyrAndon Apka, MedznAndon the hermit (Jknavor), hayazkeeAndoneenos the Witness or MartyrAndreas and his legionAndreas The General And His ArmyAndrew The ApostleAndronicusAneekdos the witness or martyrAnicetusAnicetus The MartyrAnnaAnnaAnna the mother of Bishop Cyril (Geuregh)Anne Mother Of Bishop CyrilAnne Mother Of The TheotokusAnteemos the BishopAnthimus The PatriarchAnthony The HermitAntimusAntonAntonius The MartyrAntonyAntonyAntre the soldier and his armyAntroneegos the Witness or MartyrApeepas SargavakApeesoghom SargavakApitonius Brother Of EugeniaAptlmsehAquilasAquilas The MartyrAqulinaArdemeeos (Artimis?) ZeenavorAreestakes HairabedArevelyan VgaykAristakesArsen of the desert (Anabadagan)Arsenius The Egyptian FatherArshen the PriestArtemis the Iberian and CompanionsArtemius The MartyrAsdouvadzadour (God given) Makhojz, Witnesses or MartyrsAshken the Queen (Takouhee)Ashkhen The QueenAstuatsatur The MartyrAtanakeenes Yebeeskoobos BishopAtanas HairabedAtauctus [Adomus]AthanasiusAthanasius...

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You Can Get There From Here

You Can Get There From Here

Sometimes the simplest questions can be the hardest to answer. Where are you? Where are you going? Lent is a time to approach these questions from a spiritual angle. Where are you?    Perhaps the most beautiful words ever recorded are those found in the third chapter of Genesis after the fall of Adam and Eve from grace. Adam and Eve heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. For they knew they had sinned, and were ashamed. But then God spoke perhaps the most beautiful words ever uttered, ...the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?" (Genesis 3:9 )   God seeks us out. He reaches to us each day to touch our hearts and enlighten our minds. He always does his utmost to make a connection with us. He calls to us each...

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